
فراخوان برنامه اقامت هنرمند مرکز هنر و نوآوری McColl برای پاییز منتشر شده است.

■ مهلت: ۲۴ آبان ۱۳۹۶ ■

  • رشته های مورد پذیرش: همه رشته ها
  • زمان دوره: ۲۷ آگوست تا ۴ دسامبر ۲۰۱۷

≡ واجدین شرایط:

  • ■ حداقل ۲۱ سال سن
  • ■ دانشجویان نمی توانند شرکت کنند.
  • ■ کسانی که در دوره های قبل از این بورسیه استفاده کرده اند، نمی توانند تا ۵ سال بعد از آن تقضا بدهند.

≡ خدمات

  • ■ ۶۰۰۰ دلار کمک هزینه
  • ■ ۲۰۰۰ دلار ملزومات
  • ■ آپارتمان یک خوابه مبله با Wi-Fi
  • ■ فضای کاری خصوصی (۲۳۰ تا ۸۱۹ فوت مربع) با Wi-Fi
  • ■ شرکت در یک نمایشگاه گروهی در طبقه دوم یا سوم مرکز McColl
  • ■ اسناد عکس و ویدئو
  • ■ خدمات فنی و اداری
  • ■ بازپرداخت برای یک پرواز با درجه عادی
  • ■ فرصت برقراری ارتباط با مخاطبان مرکز McColl از طریق برنامه های عمومی



Program Description:

McColl Center annually awards residencies to approximately eighteen artists. Regional, national, and international artists are selected through a combination of open applications, invitations, and solicited nominations. The Artist-in-Residence Program is open to artists working in architecture, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, film, video, new media, design, music, theatre, social practice, community organizing, urban agriculture, culinary arts, or interdisciplinary practices. Because McColl Center has an explicit mission to advance communities—to engage diverse public audiences in dialog about contemporary issues facing Charlotte and other urban environments and to facilitate creative actions for positive social impact—special attention is given to applicants whose work poses urgent questions about society or promotes civic consciousness and reciprocal exchange with community members. The residency program provides a space for creative inquiry and exploration among a dynamic group of artists, thinkers, and practitioners. Residencies vary in length, from one to three months, in the fall and spring seasons.

Application Guidelines



● Minimum 21 years of age
● Matriculating students are not eligible.
● Artist-in-Residence Program: Past artists-in-residence of McColl Center should wait five years before applying for another residency. Artists are limited to two residencies at McColl Center.
● Healthcare and Healing Program: Past artists-in-residence of McColl Center are not eligible.


Application Guidelines

Collaborations and Collectives
Artist collaborators and collectives must submit a single application with appropriate work samples that show artwork made by the group, not its individual members. The submitted application must indicate the primary contact person; in an attached PDF, list information about the group member(s): first and last name, email, phone, address, website (if available), and bio. In the application, clearly specify the number of collaborators and the group’s workspace needs. Due to housing limitations, individual condominiums will not be provided for each group member; collectives must share housing.

International Artists
McColl Center welcomes artists from around the world. A working knowledge of English is helpful; we are unable to provide an interpreter for applicants who speak little or no English.

Partners and children of artists-in-residence may stay in the provided condominium during the residency term. However, partners will not be allowed to use McColl Center workspaces, facilities, equipment, or materials. Artist couples must apply individually; if both are accepted, each will be offered a studio. Pets are not allowed in the condominiums or studios. Exceptions may be made for registered service pets.

Facilities and Equipment
McColl Center is a 30,000-square-foot facility with common-use wood, sculpture, ceramic, darkroom, and printmaking studios, a media lab, and a communal kitchen. Artists-in-residence have 24-hour access to the facilities, and McColl Center staff are available for assistance during weekday business hours (9 a.m.–۵ p.m.). A jeep, a van, and a flatbed truck are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Public Engagement
All artists-in-residence are required to participate in at least one public program or volunteer opportunity, onsite or offsite, during their residencies. The type and scope of the programs will be mutually designed and agreed upon by the artist and McColl Center’s Artistic Director. Significant social-practice projects are reserved for special initiatives or alumni who have already spent time incubating their ideas in Charlotte and connecting with community members.

Artist Fees
With the belief that artists add immeasurable value to everyone’s quality of life, McColl Center makes every effort to generously support artists-in-residence, through a combination of stipends, free housing, and other offerings. While residency programs are not yet included in the published research of Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.), McColl Center tries to follow the artist fees recommended by that advocacy group. The living allowance and materials stipend provided by McColl Center to the artists-in-residence is based on the average cost of living for a single adult in the city of Charlotte: $30,485 annually, or $2,540 monthly, according to a 2015 report from the Economic Policy Institute. Average cost-of-living calculations are highly subjective, and McColl Center’s total operating budget varies from year to year, which may cause the artist fees to fluctuate accordingly.

Selection Process
Each application review panel is different and comprises a combination of past residents, national artists and arts leaders, and/or McColl Center curatorial staff members. The selection process consists of an online review and scoring by the panelists, followed by a virtual meeting in which reviewers develop a shortlist. Reviewers are asked to consider the following criteria for each application:
● artistic excellence (exemplary creativity, innovation, or skill)
● depth of conceptual content 
● evidence of current and ongoing professional practice
● strong history of exhibitions or presentations of artwork
● appropriateness for the McColl Center context
After the shortlist has been determined, reviewers will adjudicate the potential cohort’s overall diversity of medium or practice, race and ethnicity, geography, gender, and age. Finalists will be invited to take part in a short interview. Artists accepted into the residency program will then be notified.
McColl Center is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all persons regardless of race, sex, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or physical ability. 
Artists-in-residence with Carolina HealthCare System (CHS) must consent to a background check and share recent medical records. Immunizations are required for artists to work in some areas of the hospital.

Work Sample Guidelines

Work samples are a critical part of the application. Submit all written materials as PDFs; submit all image files as JPGs. The selection panel will only review the materials requested in the application; all others will be discarded. Upload the work samples in accordance with the following SlideRoom specifications:
Each image file must be under 5 MB. Images do not have to be submitted at particular dimensions; the SlideRoom servers will resize images larger than 1280 x1280 pixels at 72 ppi to fit the system. Each video must be less than 250 MB in size; audio files must be less than 30 MB each; and documents must be less than 10 MB.
Acceptable file types:
Images: .jpg 
Videos: .m4v, .mov, .mp4, .wmv, .flv, .asf, .mpeg, .mpg, .mkv
Audio: .mp3, .wma, .ogg, .flac
Documents: .pdf
Linked Media: Vimeo, YouTube, SoundCloud, Sketchfab 
Note: Linked media must be public. Only link to individual files, not to a playlist, set, or collection.
Additional guidelines per discipline or medium:
۲D or 3D: sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, collage, digital art, book arts, architecture, design
● Submit no more than 10 samples of artwork completed within the past 5 years
● Upload images in the order to be viewed
● Name each image file as “last name_title of work” (for example: “jones_apaintingofatree”)
● Include caption information for each work sample: title, year completed, medium/materials, dimensions, and a brief description (if necessary; maximum 40 words)
Media Arts: film (narrative, documentary, experimental, or artistic), video (narrative, documentary, experimental, or artistic), and time-based digital art
● Submit no more than 10 minutes of video 
● Upload images in the order to be viewed
● Name each image file as “last name_title of work” (for example: “jones_apaintingofatree”)
● Include caption information for each work sample: title, year completed, medium/technique, original format, the specific role of the applicant in creating the submitted work, and a brief description (if necessary; maximum 40 words)
Performing Arts: original musical composition or original theatrical production 
● Submit 2 to 5 minutes of video or audio excerpts. Longer samples may be submitted, but applicants must indicate the starting and ending cue points for the reviewers. If no cue points are provided, only the first 2 minutes of the material will be reviewed. 
● Upload work samples in the order to be viewed
● Name each image file as “last name_title of work” (for example: “jones_apaintingofatree”)
● Include caption information for each work sample: title, date completed or the run dates of the show, medium/technique, the specific role of the applicant in creating the submitted work. For applicants submitting musical compositions: with the caption information, include a list of featured instruments.
Interdisciplinary and Public Practice: social practice, culinary arts, community organizing, urban agriculture, and interdisciplinary works 
● Submit any combination of media formats (image, text, audio, video) that are appropriate to convey the work
   ○ No more than 10 work samples
   ○ No more than 5 minutes per audio or video sample
   ○ One PDF with no more than 10 pages of writing, double-spaced, 12-point font
● Upload work samples in the order to be reviewed
● Name each image file as “last name_title of work” (for example: “jones_apaintingofatree”)
● Include caption information for each work sample: title, year completed, medium/technique, dimensions, and a brief description (if necessary; maximum 40 words)

فقط به آفرینش اثر فکر کنید!

فستیوارت ثبت نام شما را انجام می‌دهد.

می‌توانید از خدمات ویژه‌ی «دپارتمان‌های تخصصی فستیوارت» برای ثبت‌نام، واریز و دریافت هزینه‌های ارزی، ترجمه‌ی متون ادبی، طراحی پورتفولیو، پوستر و … استفاده کنید.

اینجا کلیک کنید.
این خبر را برای دیگران بفرستید:
قبلیخبر قبلآغاز فروش دفترهاى طراحى خرس قطبى در تابستان ۱۳۹۶
خبر بعدفراخوان طراحى کاراکتر جهت برگزارى نمایشگاه گروهى دوست خیالى منبعدی

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

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