
■ مهلت: ۲۷ دی ■

این دانشگاه جایزه های متعددی ارائه می کند که در بازه های زمانی متفاوت قابل درخواست هستند. پبرای مشاهده جدول زمانی و برنامه ریزی برای آنها؛ اینجا کلیک کنید.

در ادامه مشخصات کلی این بورسیه برای شما ارسال می شود.

The MFA Drama Program at The University of Calgary’s School of Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) welcomes applications for studies beginning in September 2017. APPLY HERE by January 16, ۲۰۱۷.

Working within the SCPA and alongside units in Dance and Music, our Drama students receive primary discipline-specific preparation at an advanced level and unique opportunities for interdisciplinary exploration. Imagining the future of performance from roots to reinvention, the SCPA offers both intensive studio training and inspired intellectual inquiry, providing first class preparation for a wide range of exciting opportunities and vocations beyond graduation.

Applicants to the MFA in Drama can specialize in the following areas: Design/Technical, Directing, Playwriting, and Theatre Studies. Students who join our graduate cohort work alongside faculty members and receive close supervision while learning how to produce, share, and apply their own original creative and academic knowledge.

Graduate students choose our program because they wish to advance their practice and career opportunities in the performing arts, academia, and related industries, and to pursue research interests through rigorously integrated creative practice, experimentation, and scholarship. Students are also attracted to the School of Creative and Performing Arts to learn with our accomplished faculty members, benefit from our substantial creation and production facilities, and push boundaries through the interdisciplinary collaboration that our school and university community offers. Students are also generously funded and gain paid teaching and internship experience.

To learn more about our award winning supervisors’ profiles, our current graduate students’ research and creation projects, and our local and national contexts, please take a look at our GRADUATE INFO FOLDER and visit our website at scpa.ucalgary.ca

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فستیوارت ثبت نام شما را انجام می‌دهد.

می‌توانید از خدمات ویژه‌ی «دپارتمان‌های تخصصی فستیوارت» برای ثبت‌نام، واریز و دریافت هزینه‌های ارزی، ترجمه‌ی متون ادبی، طراحی پورتفولیو، پوستر و … استفاده کنید.

اینجا کلیک کنید.
این خبر را برای دیگران بفرستید:
قبلیخبر قبلگفت و گو و اجرا: «آندریاس اشپکتل»|آهنگساز الکترونیک
خبر بعدبورسیه تحصیلی کارشناسی ارشد رشته تئاتر / مطالعات اجرا در دانشگاه استکهلمبعدی

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