
فراخوان بین المللی آزادی فرم سال ۲۰۱۷ منتشر شد.

■ مهلت: ۱۰ شهریور ۱۳۹۶ ■

■ بعنوان بخشی از Interference Festival 2017، بنیاد Interference میزبان یک رقابت بین المللی ارتباط بصری با عنوان «آزادی فرم|Freedom of Form» است. این فستیوال در شهر Gdańsk لهستان در روزهای ۲۰ تا ۲۱ اکتبر ۲۰۱۷ برگزار می شود و معرفی رسمی برندگان در جشن اهدای جوایز در روز ۲۱ اکتبر انجام می شود.

≡ چه کسانی می توانند شرکت کنند؟

■ از همه هنرمندان جهان دعوت می شود تا با ارسال حداکثر ۳ اثر تصویری کوتاه در این رقابت شرکت کنند.

≡ هزینه شرکت در مسابقه

■ شرکت در این مسابقه رایگان است.

≡ جوایز

■ برترین آثار در هر بخش، جایزه نقدی بزرگ به مبلغ ۲۵۰۰ زلوتی لهستان (تقریبا معادل ۷۰۰ دلار) دریافت می کنند.
■ تمام آثار مرحله نهایی که تا ۱۷ سپتامبر معرفی خواهند شد، در طول فستیوال در ماه اکتبر ۲۰۱۷ نمایش داده خواهند شد.
■ یک جایزه تماشاگران و یک جایزه ویژه برای دستاورد طول حیات نیز در طول فستیوال اهدا می شود.

≡ بخش های مسابقه

■ این مسابقه بر اساس زمان ویدئو در بخش های زیر برگزار می شود:

  1. سبک Found Footage: حداکثر ۵ دقیقه
  2. ویدئو موزیک: حداکثر ۱۰ دقیقه
  3. قطعه های تبلیغاتی خلاقانه: حداکثر ۵ دقیقه
  4. شکل های تجربی کوتاه: حداکثر ۸ دقیقه

 ■ تنها آثاری که در سال های ۲۰۱۵ تا ۱۰۱۷ ساخته شده باشند می توانند در این مسابقه شرکت کنند.

≡ لینک ها

در صورت نیاز به ترجمه فارسی جزئیات این فراخوان، تقاضای خود را برای https://t.me/honarpazhouh ارسال کنید تا خبر برای مترجم ارسال شود و سپس در بخش خبرهای ویژه قرار بگیرد. با عضویت ویژه، باتوجه به نوع عضویت، در مدت زمان مشخص به همه خبرهای ویژه دسترسی خواهید داشت. قبل از فعال کردن عضویت ویژه، «حتما» قوانین وبسایت را در لینک https://www.festivart.ir/terms مطالعه کنید.


۱٫ The contest „Freedom of Form” [hereinafter referred to as „Contest”] is organised as part of Interference Festival – ۴٫ Festival of Visual Communication Forms by Fundacja Interference [Interference Foundation] with a registered seat in Gdańsk, Doki Street 1/224 – the main organiser of the festival [hereinafter referred to as „Organiser”].
۲٫ The international contest „Freedom of Form“ has an open formula – it is addressed to individual authors as well as companies, legal persons, organisations, institutions, and artist collectives, provided that they meet all requirements concerning the copyright of the entered work(s).
۳٫ The contest is addressed to participants who are of age [i.e. 18+].

The main aim of the contest is to select the best, the most aesthetically and creatively outstanding short visual works. Another aim is to collect works representing a broad spectrum of visual projects for presentation at the festival. The contest also aims to facilitate the presentation and promotion of young artists’ work.

Main contest – The Grand Prix will be awarded in four main categories to authors of the following visual forms:
– Found Footage
– Music Video
– Creative Advertising Piece
– Experimental Short Visual Form.
Other prizes / distinctions:
– Audience prize
– Special prize for lifetime achievement and exceptional aesthetic sensitivity
In justified cases, additional distinctions may be awarded.

۱٫ The contest prizes are financial and/or in kind.
۲٫ The following prizes will be awarded in the main contest:
Grand Prix 2500 zł [gross value] sponsored by the City of Gdańsk, awarded in each of the following categories:
– Found Footage
– Music Video
– Creative Advertising Piece
– Experimental Short Visual Form
۳٫ Other prizes:
– Audience Prize w wysokości 2000 zł [gross value]
– Honorary award – Special prize for lifetime achievement and exceptional aesthetic sensitivity

– ۵ July 2017 – official announcement of the competition at www.interferencefestival.com
– until 1 September 2017 – submission of entries via contest server www.contest.interferencefestival.com [till 12AM UTC+02:00]
– until 17 September 2017 – official announcement of the nominees by the Jury and Organizer. The nominations will announced at www.interferencefestival.com, the nominees will also be informed about their nomination via e-mail sent to the e-mail address indicated in the entry form.
– ۲۰-۲۱ października 2017 – contest screenings at Interference Festival
– ۲۱ października 2017 – official announcement of the winners during the Prize Giving Ceremony and at www.interferencefestival.com and the Prize Giving Ceremony itself.
The contest prizes will be paid out via bank transfer within 30 working days from the day of receving the award, after the deduction of relevant taxes.

۱٫ All works shall be submitted to contest serwer www.contest.interferencefestival.com.
۲٫ Submissions will be accepted till 1 September 2017 [till 12AM UTC+02:00]. Submissions sent after this deadline will not take part in the contest.
۳٫ Every entity / person is allowed to enter three works maximum, with the proviso that every work is submitted to a different category. It is not possible to enter the same work in more than one category.
۴٫ A condition in participating in the contest is filling in completely and correctly a submission form [in Polish or English] and transferring the film to the contest serwer [all films shall be titled in a following way: Category_Name_Surname_TitleOfTheFilm].
۵٫ Only entry works made in 2015-2017 will be considered.
۶٫ To works created in different language than Polish or English, Polish or English subtitles should be insterted.
۷٫ Only entry works that meet the formal requirements and criteria listed in §۷٫ of this document will be considered.
۸٫ Further selection is made by Contest Committee and Jury.

Category Found Footage:
a) Duration: maximum 5 minutes
b) Compliance with the definition: a film compilation in which already existing film material by other authors is used as a quotation to form a new film work. The idea of found footage is to create an original work having an exceptional visual value. A list of source material must be presented.
c) Substantive criteria: professional filmmaking level, creativity of approach to this type of visual form, authorial character of artistic expression, creating new meanings on the basis of existing visual material.
Category Music Video:
a) Duration: maximum 10 minutes
b) Compliance with the definition: an authorial film form accompanying a music piece and relating to its content, a creative and original dialogue between two fields of art (music and the visual form).
c) Substantive criteria: professional filmmaking level, creativity of approach to this type of visual form, authorial character of artistic expression, exceptional visual value based on high quality photography, montage, composition.
Category Creative Advertising Piece:
a) Duration: maximum 10 minutes
b) Compliance with the definition: a film form promoting and presenting a commercial product, directed at mass audiences, and conveying market information about this product.
c) Substantive criteria: professional filmmaking level, authorial character of artistic expression, creativity of approach to this type of visual form, innovative visual solutions, outstanding concept.
Category Experimental Short Visual Form [film / video art / animation]:
a) Duration: maximum 8 minutes
b) Compliance with the definition: film / video art / animation on any theme, produced in any style, exhibiting characteristics of innovativeness and artistic experiment.
c) Substantive criteria: professional filmmaking level, authorial character of artistic expression, creativity of approach to this type of visual form, experimental character on the level of technique or/and content, innovative production or post-production technologies.

The Organizer accepts the following formats of works:
– CODEC: h264
Resolution: 1080p HD (1920 x 1080) / Aspect ratio: 16:9 / square pixels 1:1 / Bit rate of at least: 10,000 – ۲۰,۰۰۰ kbit/s
– CODEC: mpeg4
Resolution: 1080p HD (1920 x 1080) / Aspect ratio: 16:9 / square pixels 1:1 / Bitrate CBR: at least 7000
– Format: MOV
CODEC: h264 / Resolution: 1080p HD (1920 x 1080) / Aspect ratio: 16:9 / square pixels 1:1 / Quality min. 80%

۱٫ Entries submitted and qualified for the contest are first evaluated by the Contest Committee comprised of representatives of Organizer and one external member – a representative of cultural and artistic milieu. Contest Committee carries out a preliminary selection based on assessment of compatibility with criteria listed in §۷٫ of this document.
۲٫ After the preliminary selection, the results of Contest Committee’s voting are presented to Jury. Jury is comprised of notable members of cultural and artistic milieu and Polish media. Jury determines the official nominees from the works selected earlier and then determines one winner in each category from the nominations.
۳٫ The proceedings of Contest Committee / Jury are led by a Chairman.
۴٫ The preliminary selection and the subsequent contest process are documented in protocols. Protocols along with competition documentation are stored by Organizer.
۵٫ The proceedings of Contest Committee / Jury shall be secret.
۶٫ Contest Committee / Jury debates on sessions convened as necessary during the proceedings.
۷٫ Every member of the Committee / Jury has one vote.
۸٫ If two or more candidates receive the same number of votes, another round of voting is carried out, in which only the candidates with the same greatest number of votes take part.
۹٫ The final list of works qualified in the selection procedure is approved by the Chairman of the Contest Committee.
۱۰٫ The final list of nominated and awarded works is approved by the Chairman of the Jury.
۱۱٫ The decisions of the Competition Committee / Jury are final and cannot be challenged.

۱٫ Audience prize:
a) Only nominated works whose authors agreed to participate in Audience prize contest in the submission form are taking part in the Audience prize contest.
b) The prize is awarded by the festival audience in an online voting.
۲٫ Honorary awards – Special prize for lifetime achievement and exceptional aesthetic sensitivity: The prizes are awarded by the Jury in agreement with the Competition Committee and on the basis of proposed candidatures.
۳٫ Distinctions:
In justified cases, the Jury has the right to award distinctions to nominated works.

۱٫ By submitting a film for the contest, the participant agrees to its free screening during Interference Festival in Gdansk other presentations promoting the competition and Festival.
۲٫ Submitting a film to Audience prize contest is tantamount to giving a consent to publish the entire film at Organizer’s website within the period of duration of the plebiscite.
۳٫ The Organizer reserves the right to use parts of the qualified films (no longer than 1 minute), as well as display information about the films at the festival website and in any other promotional material (including the catalogue, programme, press releases, etc).
۴٫ The Organizer reserves the right to use the promotional material both during and after the festival for purposes of contest and festival promotion.

۱٫ By submitting an entry for the contest, the entrant declares that the entry work does not infringe intellectual property rights of third parties, including moral or economic copyright.
۲٫ Should third party put forth any claims arising from the infringement of the abovementioned rights, the contest participant undertakes to cover any justified claims of third parties whose rights
were infringed.

۱٫ By submitting an entry for the contest, the entrant agrees to have his or her personal data processed exclusively for the purposes of the contest. The entrant entrusts the Organizer with the right to process the personal data in accordance with art. 31 of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 Aug 1997 (consolidated text: Polish Journal of Laws of 2002, no. 101, item 926 with amendments).
۲٫ The Organizer has the right to process the entrusted personal data for the purposes of qualifying the work for the contest as well as for the purposes of its presentation.

۱٫ By submitting an entry for the contest, the entrant accepts the contest rules and requirements listed in this issue of the Terms and Conditions.
۲٫ By accepting hereby issue of the Terms and Conditions, the entrant declares that:
– he or she voluntarily proceeds to participate in the contest
– identyfying data disclosed to the Organizer is true
۳٫ Candidates taking part in the contest will receive current information and communications concerning the course of the contest via email, at the email address indicated in the entry form.
۴٫ Further information on the contest can be obtained by writing to the organizers at: contest@interferencefestival.com.
۵٫ The Organizer retains the right to change the contest terms and conditions, suspend, cancel or terminate the contest without selecting any of the submitted works, at any time and without stating reasons. In case of changing the contest terms and conditions, the changed document will be sent to participants via e-mail. Every participant has the right to declare resignation from the contest within 7 days from the day the changed terms and conditions document are sent. If the Organizer does not receive a declaration of resigning from participating in the contest, the changed terms and conditions are considered  accepted by the participant.
۶٫ This issue of the Terms and Conditions is the only document specifying the contest rules.
۷٫ In matters not provided for in the Terms and Conditions or in matters requiring interpretation of the provisions contained in the Terms and Conditions, any decisions belong to the sole competence of the Organizer.
۸٫ Any disputes arising from the Terms and Conditions or from the participation in the contest shall be resolved by the court competent for the registered seat of the contest Organizer.

فقط به آفرینش اثر فکر کنید!

فستیوارت ثبت نام شما را انجام می‌دهد.

می‌توانید از خدمات ویژه‌ی «دپارتمان‌های تخصصی فستیوارت» برای ثبت‌نام، واریز و دریافت هزینه‌های ارزی، ترجمه‌ی متون ادبی، طراحی پورتفولیو، پوستر و … استفاده کنید.

اینجا کلیک کنید.
این خبر را برای دیگران بفرستید:
قبلیخبر قبلفراخوان همایش تخصصى کارشناسى ارشد ۹۷ آکادمی هنر شمسه
خبر بعدفراخوان ششمین جشنواره بین المللی شعر غدیر (دوباره غدیر)بعدی

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