
فراخوان بین المللی مسابقه عکس FIBA سال ۲۰۱۸ منتشر شد.

■ مهلت: ۱۰ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۷ ■

■ این رقابت توسط بنیاد بین المللی بسکتبال برگزار می شود. در این سال، عکاسان و دوستداران بسکتبال می توانند عکس های خود را که بهترین موضوعات را نشان می دهند، ارسال نمایند. هر شرکت کننده می تواند حداکثر سه عکس، بدون در نظر گرفتن موضوع ارائه دهد.

≡ موضوعات مسابقه

  • بسکتبال همه جا است.
  • بسکتبال، زبانی جهانی.

≡ چه کسانی می توانند شرکت کنند؟

  • شرکت در این مسابقه، برای همه بدون در نظر گرفتن سن، ملیت و کشور محل اقامت آزاد است.

≡ هزینه های ثبت نام

  • رایگان است.

≡ جوایز

  • جایزه نفر اول: ۳,۰۰۰ فرانک سویس
  • جایزه نفر دوم: ۲,۰۰۰ فرانک سویس
  • جایزه نفر سوم: ۱,۰۰۰ فرانک سویس
  • جایزه نفر چهارم تا دهم: محصولات دارای مجوز رسمی از فدراسیون بین المللی بسکتبال .

در صورت نیاز به ترجمه فارسی جزئیات این فراخوان، با کلیک روی این لینک، عضویت ویژه طلایی خود را فعال کنید و سپس تقاضای خود را ظرف ۱۲ ساعت برای https://t.me/honarpazhouh ارسال کنید تا خبر برای مترجم ارسال شود و سپس در بخش خبرهای ویژه قرار بگیرد. با عضویت ویژه، باتوجه به نوع عضویت، در مدت زمان مشخص به همه خبرهای ویژه دسترسی خواهید داشت. قبل از فعال کردن عضویت ویژه، «حتما» قوانین وبسایت را در لینک https://www.festivart.ir/terms مطالعه کنید.


General conditions of participation
To fulfill its cultural and sporting ambition, the International Basketball Foundation (‘IBF’), whose role is to preserve and promote FIBA values and its cultural heritage, has decided to organize the FIBA photo contest

The Contest will be a unique opportunity for all keen photographers and basketball lovers to show their talents. As a participant in the contest, you need to send to the IBF, your three (3) best photos in link with the themes chosen by IBF. The forty (40) best photos selected by the jury will be exhibited temporarily at the House of Basketball, in the FIBA world headquarters in Mies (Switzerland). The opening of the exhibition will take place on June 16th, 2018. The exhibition will end on October 30th, 2018.
The chosen themes are as followed:

Basketball is Everywhere
Basketball a Universal Language

The submitted photos need to represent, in a digital format, one of these two (2) themes and its link with basketball.

A. The Contest is open to everyone regardless of age, nationality and country of residence. Participants under 18 years of age are responsible for ensuring that their submission is in compliance with the legal requirements of their country. Minors are deemed to have received their parents’ or legal guardian’s prior approval for their participation in this Contest. The approval must be joined to the registration.
B. Participation in the Contest is free of charge.
C. Collaborators of the IBF and of FIBA are excluded from participation in the Contest.
D. The Contest is open from January 1st, 2018 until April 30th, 2018 at midnight (GMT/UTC). After this date and time, submissions will no longer be taken into consideration.
A. Photos must be taken by the participant himself/herself and be personal creations. They cannot be presented in the name of a third party.
B. Pictures must be in connection with the themes chosen by IBF
C. Each participant can submit a maximum of three (3) pictures regardless of the theme. Participants will be deemed to have officially entered the Contest upon submission of at least one picture.
D. Drawings, illustrations, computer-made or assisted pictures are not permitted. The only alterations permitted is the modification of certain parameters (Saturation, contrast, sharpness, temperature of colours, balance of whites and colours) as well as eliminating noise.
E. Mandatory elements for the pictures:Format: JPEG/JPG format.
Minimum size: 4MB
Maximum size: 20MB
Minimum number of pixels: 5 million
Description (date, place and small description)
No text or description on the photo
F. Pictures cannot be submitted by regular post or any other postage/mail services. All submissions must be uploaded electronically through the website specifically dedicated to the Contest photocontest.fiba.basketball
G. Photos that are not linked to the theme will be excluded from the Contest and the participant’s entry will be removed. The same will happen to photos containing inappropriate content (such as, but not limited to, violence, racism or pornography). Photos containing promotional or commercial content will not be accepted.
H. The Participant will receive confirmation of his/her submission upon uploading the first photo.
I. With their submission, participants warrant that their photos do not take elements of other existing creations, infringe any third-party rights or any other rights protected by law (copyright, trademark law, right to one’s image, right to privacy, etc.)
J. The participant is responsible for the photos submitted and he/she guaranties the IBF against all action or appeal that may be brought by third parties for infringement of their rights. The IBF reserves the right to take legal action against participants for any damage suffered as a result of a breach of the foregoing undertakings. In case of doubt, the IBF reserves the right to exclude any photograph from the Contest without justification.
K. By their participations,  participants grant the rights of their photographs to the IBF/FIBA. They explicitly authorise the IBF/FIBA to use, exploit, reproduce or transfer their photos freely, for the development of Basketball. The IBF/FIBA can thus freely dispose of the photos, in particular for promotional purposes, without the participants being able to claim any compensation. Participants agree that their photos will be exhibited at the House of Basketball, the world headquarters of FIBA
L. Participants must ensure that the photos submitted do not infringe privacy or personal rights without obtaining the authorization of the person represented. In the event that a representation is deemed to be contrary to these terms, the participant will be excluded from the contest.
A. A jury will select the  forty (40) best photographs to be exhibited at the House of Basketball, the world headquarters of FIBA from 16th, June 2018 to 30th, October 2018.
B. The IBF jury will reward the authors of the ten (10) best photographs as well as the most popular photograph, with the following prizes:1st Prize: 3’۰۰۰ CHF
۲nd Prize: 2’۰۰۰ CHF
۳rd Prize: 1’۰۰۰ CHF
C. The forty best photos selected by the judges, will need to fill out a form with technical information of the photo. This will be sent directly by email.
D. The IBF reserves the right to replace prizes at any time with similar prizes of the same objective value and to exclude participants at its own discretion. This applies in particular to any attempt to manipulate or violate these General Conditions of Participation. Any decision regarding the award of prizes will be final, without appeal or review.
E. The winners will be announced on June 17th, 2018 on the contest website as well as on the FIBA website. They will also be informed personally by e-mail by the IBF..
F. The IBF reserves the right to contact the winning Participants by telephone or other methods in order to confirm the Participant’s contact details.
A. The IBF is not responsible for any problems or damage suffered by the participant such as computer network problems, computer virus infection, or unauthorized access to computers that may lead to loss of data.
B. IBF reserves the right to revoke winner status and/or revoke any awarded prize in the event that a Participant is found to be unsuitable or ineligible after the prize is awarded. IBF is solely responsible for the validation of pictures uploaded on the Website and may refuse to add any picture which does not satisfy these terms and conditions
C. The IBF is legally constituted under Swiss law and accordingly, any dispute which may arise in connection with the Contest and which cannot be settled amicably will be referred to the Courts of Lausanne, Switzerland and will be settled in accordance with Swiss law, excluding its rules of conflict of laws.
D. At the time of entering the Contest, entrants have read, understood and agree with these terms and conditions, knowing that the IBF reserves the right to decide on any matter not covered in this document.
E. In the event that a Participant should disagree with any decision made by FIBA, that Participant will have the right to withdraw his or her entry. All related expenses incurred shall be borne solely by the Participant

فقط به آفرینش اثر فکر کنید!

فستیوارت ثبت نام شما را انجام می‌دهد.

می‌توانید از خدمات ویژه‌ی «دپارتمان‌های تخصصی فستیوارت» برای ثبت‌نام، واریز و دریافت هزینه‌های ارزی، ترجمه‌ی متون ادبی، طراحی پورتفولیو، پوستر و … استفاده کنید.

اینجا کلیک کنید.
این خبر را برای دیگران بفرستید:
قبلیخبر قبلفراخوان بین المللی مسابقه مقاله برای جوانان سال ۲۰۱۸
خبر بعدفراخوان یازدهمین جشنواره بین المللی کارتون و کاریکاتور Vianden لوکزامبورگبعدی

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