
فراخوان ششمین جایزه بین المللی طراحی پُرادای ایتالیا سال ۲۰۱۷ منتشر شد.

■ مهلت: ۱۹ آبان ۱۳۹۶ ■

■ رقابت بین المللی طراحی PORADA توسط PORADA ARREDI Srl  و POLI.design و با حمایت انجمن طراحی صنعتی (ADI) برگزار می شود. ششمین رقابت بین المللی طراحی به میزهای کوچک اختصاص دارد.

■ مبلغ کل جایزه این رقابت ۱۰۰۰۰ یورو است.

بخش های مسابقه

≡ این رقابت در دو بخش حرفه ای و دانشجویی برگزار می شود.
≡ شرکت کنندگان بصورت فردی و گروهی می توانند ثبت نام کنند.
≡ ثبت نام و ارسال اثر بصورت آنلاین و در آدرس www.porada.it انجام می شود.

■ جوایز

بخش حرفه ای
نفر اول: € ۳٫۰۰۰
نفر دوم: € ۲٫۰۰۰
نفر سوم: € ۱٫۰۰۰
بخش دانشجویی
نفر اول: € ۲٫۰۰۰
نفر دوم: € ۱٫۲۰۰
نفر سوم: € ۸۰۰

■ بروشور راهنمای مسابقه را از اینجا دانلود کنید.

در صورت نیاز به ترجمه فارسی جزئیات فراخوان، عضویت ویژه خود را از طریق لینک http://festivart.ir/vip فعال نموده و سپس تقاضای خود را برای https://telegram.me/honarpazhouh ارسال کنید تا خبر برای مترجم ارسال شود. با عضویت ویژه، علاوه بر این فراخوان، به مدت دو ماه به همه خبرهای ویژه دسترسی خواهید داشت. قبل از فعال کردن عضویت ویژه، قوانین وبسایت را در لینک http://www.festivart.ir/terms مطالعه کنید.



PORADA, in cooperation with POLI.design, founded by Politecnico di
Milano, announces an international ideas competition to identify new
innovative concepts on different types of small table, end table, service
table, coffee table and side table, in which the use of solid wood is prevalent
(but not necessarily exclusive) and which conveys the values and the
identity of the Porada brand.
Wood, whether in natural-finish, preferably in finishes prevalently used by
the company, or painted, can be combined with metal, plate glass, leather,
leatherette or fabric.
The designs submitted should be original and unpublished, they must
enhance the use of production technologies and woodworking processes
and typical finishing of the solid wood and they must respond to the
principle of functionality. They should comply with the existing safety
standards in force, also respecting ergonomic requirements and paying
attention to environmental and sustainable design requirements.
The competition is open to:
* Professionals category (P), Italian and/or foreign designers working
independently or employed by companies (if duly authorized by their
* Students category (S), Italian and/or foreign students enrolled in
Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees and recent graduates.
For both categories, group entries are also permitted. In this case, the
members of the group must appoint a leader who will be the sole person in
charge and referent towards POLI.design. Upon entry the competition,
participants unconditionally accept the terms of this competition contained
herein. If these terms are not, in whole or in part, respected by the
participant, their design may be disqualified. Members of the Jury, their
relatives, employees of Porada and POLI.design, may not take part.
Projects must be original and unpublished and exclusively developed for
the competition. Each participant (or group) is permitted to submit one
project only. Participation in the competition is anonymous. Each participant
must create a numeric code (a six-digit number, with no digit repeated more
than twice, and not in sequence) to be used to identify the files mentioned in
art. 4. For the Professionals category: add the letter ‘P’ as a prefix, which
indicates the Professionals category. For the Students category: add the
‘letter S’ as a prefix, which indicates the Student category.
The application for participation in the competition and the submission of the
required documents needs to be carried through online procedure via the
site www.porada.it.
The application form must contain the personal details of the participant, tax
id number, home address, mobile and home telephone numbers, email
address, an explicit declaration of having understood the rules of this
competition and their unconditional acceptance and, for the Student
category, the name of the university, campus, course of study and year of
The code and/first name/s of the participant/s must be shown exclusively on
the application form, no name should appear on the other documents
presented, under penalty of disqualification.
The documents must be delivered in digital format via the electronic procedure above within the deadline specified in
section 5. Each participant (or group) must submit:
۱٫ a brief report (max 3000 characters) outlining the motivations, the general concept, design features of the project and a
description of the materials required. The pdf file of the report is to be presented in portrait orientation on ISO-A4 paper (21x 29.7 cm) and must be named ‘relazione_codice’. The header needs to exclusively contain the alphanumeric code
referred to in section 2 and any name/title of the project;
۲٫ technical drawings consisting of three boards in landscape orientation on ISO-A3 (42 x 29.7 cm), in pdf format,
composed on a layout of the board, which can be downloaded from the site www.porada.it. The boards will contain:
– Board 1: an overview, reference scenarios and modes of use, mood board, general concept of the object in the context
of use and sources of inspiration;
– Board 2: technical drawings: plans, elevations, sections, axonometric projections, exploded views, design drawings
listed in the appropriate scale and specifics of the details and material choices, which are considered important;
– Board 3: representation of the object, rendering, photos of the model. The presentation boards should be combined into
a single pdf file named ‘tavole_codice’ (maximum file size 5 Mb).
۳٫ a preview image of the project, summarizing the salient features (which may correspond to the render or another image
deemed important) and it will be the first image viewed by the judges to identify the project, in jpg format (maximum file size
۱ Mb). The file must be uploaded exclusively through the online procedure as described above (server connections for
downloading files or files sent by regular or certified email will not be accepted).
The entries required in digital format, without exception, must be received no later than November 10th, 2017.
The jury is composed by the following members with voting rights:
– A representative of the ADI – Associazione per il Disegno Industriale
– A representative of POLI.design
– Three Professional Architects/Designers
– Three sectoral press representatives
– Two representatives of the Company Porada
The deliberations of the jury will remain reserved, while the final report, containing the list of the winners, as well as the
finalists and honourable mentions, will be made public. The Jury decides by a majority vote and its decision is final.
The deliberations of the jury will conclude no later than December 1st , 2017.
The selection and evaluation of the designs will take account their originality, the degree of innovation and research of new
design solutions related to the typical woodworking processing of solid wood. Experimentation related to materials and
surface finishes, the ability to define and anticipate scenarios of use and innovative concepts of use of wooden furniture
and contemporary furnishing accessories with specific regards to typological, technological and morphological

فقط به آفرینش اثر فکر کنید!

فستیوارت ثبت نام شما را انجام می‌دهد.

می‌توانید از خدمات ویژه‌ی «دپارتمان‌های تخصصی فستیوارت» برای ثبت‌نام، واریز و دریافت هزینه‌های ارزی، ترجمه‌ی متون ادبی، طراحی پورتفولیو، پوستر و … استفاده کنید.

اینجا کلیک کنید.
این خبر را برای دیگران بفرستید:
قبلیخبر قبلفراخوان اقامت هنری مرکز اقامت «فضای باز» در کوه های آلپ سوییس سال ۲۰۱۷
خبر بعدفراخوان مسابقه شعر سازمان ملی استانداردبعدی

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

مطالب مهم این صفحه