
فراخوان چهارمین مسابقه بین المللی تصویرسازی «اون یک مُله!» سال ۲۰۱۷ منتشر شد.

■ مهلت: ۲۹ فروردین ۱۳۹۶ ■

  • این رقابت بطور سالانه توسط Associazione That’s a Mole، Fondazione Contrada Torino Onlus و Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Onlus برگزار می شود.
  • در این مسابقه از شرکت کنندگان خواسته می شود که یک تصویرسازی، یک تفسیر گرافیکی یا بافت تزئینی درون فرم به شکل بنای یادبورد آنتونلیانا| Mole Antonelliana، یکی از مهمترین نمادهای شهر تورین ایتالیا خلق کنند که به سبب ساخته شدن آن توسط Antonelliana، پس از وی به این نام شناخته می شود. مُل | Mole در ایتالیا به بناهای یادمانی گفته می شود.
  • هر شرکت کننده می تواند سه برداشت از بنای بادمانی آنتونلیانا که پیش از این منتشر نشده و در مسابقه دیگری شرکت نکرده است، ارسال کند.
  • فایل قالب مورد نظر را که در ذیل ارائه شده، می توانید از اینجا دانلود کنید.

هزینه ثبت نام

  • شرکت در این مسابقه رایگان است.


  • هنرمند برنده ۱۰۰۰ یورو دریافت می کند.
  • ۲۶ تصویرسازی در نمایشگاهی در خیابان منتهی به این بنای یادمانی نمایش داده می شوند.

کسب اطلاعات بیشتر

ارسال اثر


جزئیات کاربردی موجود فراخوان در ادامه ارسال می شود. در صورت نیاز به ترجمه فارسی این بخش، عضویت ویژه خود را از طریق لینک http://festivart.ir/vip فعال کنید و سپس تقاضای خود را برای https://telegram.me/honarpazhouh درمیان بگذارید تا خبر برای مترجم ارسال شود. با عضویت ویژه، علاوه بر این فراخوان، به مدت دو ماه به همه خبرهای ویژه دسترسی خواهید داشت. قبل از فعال کردن عضویت ویژه، قوانین وبسایت را در لینک http://www.festivart.ir/terms مطالعه کنید.


۱٫ “That’s a Mole!” is a contest promoted by Associazione That’ s a Mole, Fondazione Contrada Torino ONLUS
and Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Onlus under the patronage of Regione Piemonte, Città di
Torino and GAI (Giovani Artisti Italiani).
۲٫ “That’s a Mole!” International Illustration Contest aims at exploiting the Participants’ creativity and artistic
expressions to create a new visual identity for the city of Torino, by interpreting one of the most important
icons of the city: the Mole Antonelliana monument. The contest is international and open to everybody,
regardless of age. Participation can be either individual or collective. Participants are asked to create an
illustration, a graphic interpretation or a decorative pattern inside the shape of the Mole Antonelliana
monument, as shown in the attached documentation. A qualified jury will select the winner proposal,
whose author will receive a money prize, and further 26 proposals that will be exhibited in Turin on Via
Montebello, the street where the Mole Antonelliana is located, thus ensuring the maximum visibility to the
authors’ creations.
Selected proposals will be published on the catalogue dedicated to the contest and furtehermore exhibited
in other location still under definition.
۳٫ The use of selected and winner’s creations for the purposes laid down in this regulation will be considered
copyright of Associazione That’s a Mole, Fondazione Contrada Torino ONLUS and Fondazione Casa di Carità
Arti e Mestieri Onlus. The use of selected and winner’s creations for the purposes laid down in this regulation
does not confer to the author(s) the right to any further financial provision or to any other benefit..
The selected authors authorize the promoting subjects, without any restriction and without any financial
provision, to reproduce the submitted artworks on books, internet sites, posters, postcards and invitation
cards, newspapers’ articles and telecasts and any other promotional material connected to the contest and
its economical sustain with the only obligation to cite the names of the authors.
The authors of the selected works also agree to quote always the selection, publication and exhibition for
That’s a Mole, if they use the same works for other purposes and other publications.
۴٫ Participation in the present contest implies the total acceptance of the conditions presented in this Regulation.
Regulation for contest participation
Promoted by Under the patronage of
fourth edition 2017
Article 2
(Terms and Conditions)
۱٫ The contest is open to both Italian and foreign citizens, resident and non-resident in Italy, legal or natural
persons of all ages.
۲٫ The application could be submitted either individually or collectively (co-authored); each participant could
send a maximum of 3 interpretations of Mole Antonelliana, neither published nor presented in previous
۳٫ Candidates are responsible for the originality of their proposals and must guarantee the authorship,
thus raising the organizers from any liability from any third parts’ claims related to copyright and other
connected issue.
۴٫ The images proposed must be uploaded directly on the website www.thatsamole.com and fullfilling the
dedicated participation form.
۵٫ All the proposals from a single candidate need to be aggregated into a single application process.
Article 3
(Artworks essential requirements)
۱٫ Submitted proposals must be original and unpublished.
۲٫ The Mole Antonelliana’s shape in the participants’ proposals must be clearly recognizable and identiable.Thus
the sample shape with relevant dimensions is given (Annex A). Elements that protrude outside the shape, as
long as they do not affect the recognition of the original shape supplied in Annex A, are also allowed.
۳٫ The jury will evaluate the proposals based on criteria related to:
l originality
l quality
l readability
l ability to visual storytelling
l adaptability of the proposal to final exhibition, realized on plastic shapes supported by iron structures (see
gallery http://www.thatsamole. com/online/index.php/it/galler y2016#anchor).
۴٫ The works can be carried out with any technique, manually or digitally, by the following terms:
a) manual proposal (on paper/cardboard, collage, photography and 3-dimensional objects)
l must be scanned or photographed and sent electronically using JPEG or PDF with 10 Mb maximum
l furthermore the Mole Antonelliana’s shape must be clearly recognizable and identifiable as supplied
on Annex A and included inside the dimensions 40 cm height x 17 cm width (1:1 format)
l In case of collage techniques all images used must be free from any kind of copyright;
b) proposal presented electronically must be in one of indicated formats: JPEG o PDF, with 10 MB
maximum dimension;
In the case of selection by the jury, the proposals would be required in high definition (300 dpi) and with
dimensions 40×17 cm (1:1 scale).
۵٫ Submissions must not contain any identifying element of the author(s).
۶٫ The authors may not publish their proposals until the official communication regarding the winner and
selected works.
Article 4
(Mode and place of proposals submission)
۱٫ The proposal may be presented in one the following modes by upload on www.thatsamole.com with
the relevant form.
Article 5
(Calendar and diffusion)
۱٫ Applications to the notice must be received by 12noon CEST on the 18 th of April 2017.
۲٫ The communication of the winner and the images selected by the jury will be announced by the end of May
۲۰۱۷ on the internet site and on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/thatsamole/.
The winners will also be informed by e-mail and / or by telephone.
Article 6
۱٫ One prize of € ۱٫۰۰۰ will be assigned to winning proposal
۲٫ The prize will be given upon presentation of the legal candidate’s receipt, who must be identified as the
“Author” or “Group leader” of winner proposal.
Article 7
(Selected proposal specially mentioned and exposed)
A maximum of 26 proposals,besides the winner, will be selected by the jury and will be exposed in a public
exhibition in via Montebello: the street where the Mole Antonelliana is located. Other special mentions will be
de ned by project’s supporters and public institutions.
Among the 26 selected proposals, 2 will be from authors younger than 18 years old.
Article 8
(Competition jury)
All proposals will be judged by a jury composed of highly quali ed experts in the eld of illustration and visual
communication, as well as representatives of the institutions of the city of Torino. Definition of the selected
works will be carried out at the discretion of the jury members.
Article 9
(Contest phases)
Phase 1: Receipt of proposals and assessment of compliance with this Regulation.
Phase 2: Selection of the winning proposal by the jury, from among all the valid proposals for contest. A
maximum of 26 other proposals will be specially mentioned and exposed in the heart of the city of
Torino along via Montebello in front of the Mole Antonelliana monument.
Phase 3: Results would be communicated to the winner and mentioned proposals through email and/or
telephone calls. Results would be published on www.thatsamole.com website and on Facebook
page https://www.facebook.com/thatsamole/. The authors may not by any mean publish their
proposals before the official communication.
Article 10
(Questions and information request)
Any questions or clarifications with respect to this Regulation should be sent to the following email address:
Article 11
(Consent to personal data handling)
In accordance with Italian Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 we provide you with the following information,
aimed at consensus of the participants to the processing of personal data:
۱) The information you provide will be used, within the limits of privacy legislation, for the following purposes:
analysis of projects, projects selection, invitations to meetings and for all purposes to the execution of the contest
and in order to meet all their obligations under the law.
۲) The treatment will take place at the headquarters of the Association That’s a Mole and will be done either
through paper and / or electronic means in compliance with all security measures of security and confidentiality
of the data will be kept for the time required by civil regulations and tax regulations.
۳) The provision of data relating to name, address is necessary for “That’s a Mole!” contest participation. In case of
refusal to provide such data will make it impossible the contest participation.
۴) We inform you that the personal data revealing racial or ethnic, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political
opinions, membership of political parties, unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical,
political or trade union membership and personal data disclosing health and sex life, those relating to health,
are sensitive information. These data will not be processed without your prior express written consent.
۵) The data will be available to third parties that are part of the jury’s assessment of the proposals presented and
indicated on contest “That’s a Mole!”; may also be communicated to third parties appointed by Associazione
That’s a Mole to perform administrative, tax and legal, a consulting rm which our society may use for compliance
with the law, the public authority or administration, if required, and always to comply legal purposes. Will not
be instead be spread.
۶) The data controller is the Associazione That’s a Mole, with registered offices and headquarters in Corso Luigi
Einaudi 37-10129 Torino.
۷) At any time you can exercise your rights against the data controller, in accordance with art. 7 of the Privacy Code
by sending a request to the e-mail info@thatsamole.com. In particular, you can request to know the existence
of personal data that can affect you; to obtain without delay the communication in intelligible form of the data
and their origin, the cancellation, anonymization or blocking of data processed in violation of the law; updating,
rectification or integration of data; certi cation that the above transactions have been made known to those
to whom the data are disclosed, except where this proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly
disproportionate to the protected right; to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of
your personal data, pertinent for collection purposes.
۸) For further information with regard to your rights regarding privacy, please visit the website of the Authority
for the protection of personal data at www.garanteprivacy.it.
For further clarification please consult the official website: www.thatsamole.com.

فقط به آفرینش اثر فکر کنید!

فستیوارت ثبت نام شما را انجام می‌دهد.

می‌توانید از خدمات ویژه‌ی «دپارتمان‌های تخصصی فستیوارت» برای ثبت‌نام، واریز و دریافت هزینه‌های ارزی، ترجمه‌ی متون ادبی، طراحی پورتفولیو، پوستر و … استفاده کنید.

اینجا کلیک کنید.
این خبر را برای دیگران بفرستید:
قبلیخبر قبلفراخوان مسابقه بین المللی عکاس باغ سال ۲۰۱۷
خبر بعدفراخوان دومین مسابقه بین المللی کارتون حیوانات صربستانبعدی

7 پاسخ

  1. سایزش باید ۱۷× ۴۰ باشه؟؟ و باید فضاسازی هم داشته باشه یا در فضای خوده بنا باید کار شه؟؟؟.

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